Tags : learning

Educational Software

Fluany – Learning in a Unique Way

Learning is not easy, especially if you are studying for a test on a subject you do not like or are preparing for a boring exam. However, the fact is that, whether you like it or not, if you do not learn the material, you will fail the exam or worse, repeat the class. That […]Read More

Educational Software

Top 4 Best Free Android Apps for Students

Modern technology helps us in all aspects of life, and education has seen probably the greatest benefit. We all laugh at the time when teachers and professors told us that we would not always have a calculator or an encyclopedia at hand. Those statements were definitely wrong, but although the way we learn has changed, […]Read More

Educational Software

5 Best Applications for Language Learning

The ability to communicate effectively in more than one language ​​has always been valued, and today more than ever. Finding time and money for language classes can be a challenge. If you are employed, finding free time and energy to study is very difficult, while if you do not work and have plenty of free […]Read More

Educational Software

Learn programming with the Grasshopper app

Learning programming is not easy. It requires a lot of studying, constant work, time, and dedication. Probably the biggest problem for anyone just starting to learn is to understand the basic concepts of programming. There are many of them, and some are not immediately clear. A free Android and iOS app called Grasshopper will help […]Read More


RapidTyping – learn blind typing

Learning fast and blind typing on the keyboard is a matter of time and practice. There is no magic trick to suddenly becoming a professional, but there are tips that will help you, and exercise is the most important. Introducing RapidTyping, a free Windows application that teaches you how to type correctly, so you can […]Read More

Educational Software

Duolingo – language learning app

Learning a language can be tedious and exhausting. Due to the difficulty of learning a language, applications have been designed to make it easier. We present to you one that has attracted our attention. Characteristics Duolingo is a fantastic free app for learning languages available on Windows, Android, and iOS, and is rated as high […]Read More