Tags : trello


How to Delete a Card in Trello

If you have tried to delete a card in Trello, you have probably noticed that there is no option to delete the cards. This is because before you can delete a card, you must first archive it, after which the delete option will appear. Check out our video tutorial where we show you how to […]Read More


How to Install Trello Power-Ups

Trello allows users to install plugins, here called Power-Ups and they expand the capabilities of this program. In the free version of the program, you can have a maximum of one Power-Up installed per board, while in the paid version this limit does not exist. Check out our video tutorial where we show you how […]Read More


How to Change the Profile Image on Trello

If you want to change the profile picture in Trello, you have probably noticed that this option is not available in the settings. The reason for this is that when you create your Trello account, you automatically get an account of the company Atlassian that made this program, and the option to change the profile […]Read More