If you have a problem with your Internet, we suggest you test your Internet connection. You can do this in a number of ways, but the best is to install a program that will allow you to constantly monitor your internet and see when the problem occurs. PingoMeter is a free program for Windows XP, […]Read More
Tags : Internet status
When you have a problem with the internet, the first thing you need to do is test your internet connection. If all is well, the next step is to test the availability of the website you want to access and see if there is a problem. This is an obvious solution for anyone who knows […]Read More
Do you sometimes have your internet seemingly temporarily shut down or slow down abruptly, but when you check your internet speed, the result you get shows that everything is fine and that the speed you have is the one you bought from your provider. A possible problem is the occasional loss of connection, which is […]Read More