Sudden calls from unknown numbers in WhatsApp are not so rare. If you also have problems with unwanted calls from unknown numbers, the solution is to mute these calls. Keep in mind that this will not block calls, but your phone will not ring, and you will later be able to see the numbers that […]Read More
Tags : mute
If you receive unwanted calls from unknown numbers in Viber, but still want to see who called you, the solution is to silence those calls. This will not block calls. The phone will not ring and disturb you, but you will be able to see who called you, that is, what number called you. Watch […]Read More
Some friends and relatives on Facebook can be pretty annoying, but you can’t just remove them from your friend list. What if you want to stay in touch but don’t want to see their posts? The solution is to mute them. When you mute someone on Facebook, they’ll still be on your friend list, but […]Read More
If you don’t want to offend someone by unfollowing them on Instagram, but you don’t want to see that person’s posts, the solution is to mute that person. When you mute a person, that person will not be notified and has no way of knowing that you have muted them unless they see it on […]Read More