Tags : text editor

Developer Tools

Atom – A Text Editor for the Modern Developer

Atom is a free and open-source text editor. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. It was created by GitHub. GitHub is a project management platform that enables programmers to collaborate on code creation, track changes, review and discuss code, as well as publish software projects. Although it was acquired by Microsoft […]Read More

Developer Tools

NotepadQQ – Notepad++ for Linux

Notepad is a simple text editor for Windows that we are all familiar with. However, it does not offer enough options for any serious work. That’s why Notepad++ was born, an open source program that brings numerous advantages over its older brother, first and foremost are numerous programming options. The biggest drawback of Notepad++ is […]Read More

Developer Tools

Visual Studio Code – a powerful tool for all developers

Visual Studio Code is a text editing program, released by Microsoft. It is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that offers users the ability to edit different types of text and code. In terms of its functionality, it far surpassed its predecessors – Sublime Text and Notepad++ and is completly free(there is no premium version like […]Read More