Tags : help


How to Turn On Text Reading in Windows 10

Windows 10 includes an interesting option called Narrator which, when turned on, will read what is on the screen. This will help people with impaired vision, and all you have to do is turn it on in the settings. Watch our video tutorial where we show you how to turn on text reading in Windows […]Read More

Internet Software

AIPRM for ChatGPT – Help When Using ChatGPT

The main reason artificial intelligence has become so popular is its ease of use. Asking a question to a machine using human speech and getting an answer to which you can then ask a sub-question was the domain of science fiction until a few years ago. However, we must not forget that it is a […]Read More

Developer Tools

Grepper – Helper for Developers

We can all agree that the job of a programmer is not easy and requires great knowledge and constant learning and improvement. For this reason, there are numerous tools that help in this work in different ways, and Internet services such as Stackoverflow are places where developers can ask a question and get a quick […]Read More

Productivity Software

Flex Scroll – Automatic Scrolling

Infinite scrolling is a feature that many modern programs contain and which is designed with the idea of keeping you in a program or application indefinitely. The way it works is that when you open a list of posts, that list doesn’t contain five or ten posts per page, but all the posts are on […]Read More