How to Create a Desktop Shortcut to a Web Page in Brave Browser

How to Create a Desktop Shortcut to a Web Page in Brave Browser

If you have a web page that you visit often, that page is probably saved in your bookmarks. However, Brave Browser offers a more convenient solution, which is to create a shortcut to that website on your desktop.

Watch our video tutorial where we show you how to create a desktop shortcut to a web page in Brave Browser, using Windows 10.

Video Transcript:

  1. How to Create a Desktop Shortcut to a Web Page in Brave Browser
  2. Open Brave and go to the website you want to create a shortcut for
  3. Click on the three horizontal lines
  4. Click on More tools
  5. Click on Create shortcut…
  6. Enter the name of the shortcut or leave the already entered name and click on Create


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