Tags : number


How to Number Slides in Google Slides

Google Slides includes an option to number your slides. This is handy because if you’re giving a big presentation and you need to go back to previous slides frequently during the presentation, you’ll always know which slide you’re currently on. Watch our video tutorial where we show you how to number slides in Google Slides, […]Read More


How to Find the Smallest and Largest Number in Microsoft Excel

When you have a spreadsheet full of data, finding the number you need can be extremely difficult and tedious. However, whether you’re looking for the lowest product sales or the highest test score, Microsoft Excel‘s SMALL and LARGE functions will help. Watch our video tutorial where we show you how to find the smallest or […]Read More


How to Number Slides in PowerPoint

When giving a PowerPoint presentation, it’s easy to lose track of which slide you’re currently on, especially if it’s a large presentation and you often have to go back to previous slides. The solution is to number the slides. That way you always know which slide you are currently on. Watch our video tutorial where […]Read More