How to Forget the Saved Wi-Fi Network on Android

How to Forget the Saved Wi-Fi Network on Android

When you connect to a Wi-Fi network using an Android phone, that network will be saved. Each time you are within range of that network, your device will automatically connect to that network.

However, this can also be a problem. If you have multiple Wi-Fi networks that are all within range of each other and that are saved on your device, it often happens that you connect to the wrong network.

The solution is to forget (delete) the unwanted network. Watch our video in which we show you how to forget the saved Wi-Fi network on Android. Depending on the Android device you have, this process may be slightly different, but it will be similar to the one we will show you.

Video transcript:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap on Wi-Fi
  3. Tap on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen
  4. Tap on Settings
  5. Tap on Saved networks
  6. Select the network you want to forget
  7. Tap on FORGET


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