How to share Wi-Fi if you forgot the password for it on Android

How to share Wi-Fi if you forgot the password for it on Android

Starting with Android version 10 and onwards, if you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network but don’t know the password, there’s an easy way to allow another device to connect to that network. You can generate a QR code on your phone, which another phone needs to scan and connect to the network without having to enter a password.

Check out our tutorial where we show you how to share Wi-Fi if you forgot your Android password.

Video transcript:

  1. Open Settings
  2. Tap on Wi-Fi
  3. Tap on the network you are connected to. It says Connected bellow it.
  4. This is the QR code you need to scan with the phone that wants to connect to Wi-Fi
  5. We will switch to another phone and see what it looks like when the QR code is scanned
  6. Open the QR code scanner
  7. Scan the QR code
  8. When the popup appears, tap on it, and you will connect to the Wi-Fi network


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