Tags : backup


How to Create Steam Backup Codes

Steam is a free program, but the games we buy here are not. This means that if you, like some of us, have been using and buzing games on Steam for years, your account is probably worth hundreds, if not thousands of euros or dollars. For this reason, if you lose your Steam account, it […]Read More


How to Backup Registry in Windows 10

Anytime you want to make certain changes to the Windows 10 registries, it’s a good idea to make a Backup beforehand. This way, if you make a mistake or something goes wrong, you can simply restore the Backup and solve the problem. Backing up your registry in Windows 10 is a fairly simple process. Watch […]Read More

Utilities & Operating Systems

Top 3 Best Free Backup Programs for Windows

The risk of losing all files, photos, music, and other important documents due to hard disk failure or system crash is always present. The solution is to make regular hard disk backups. Specialized programs are used for this, and in this category, we have a large selection of free programs. Unfortunately, many of these programs […]Read More


How To Backup Registries in Windows 11

Registries are an essential part of the Windows operating system and contain program settings, hardware information, and more. For this reason, it is recommended that every time you want to change registry values, you make a backup so that if a problem occurs you can fix the problem quickly and easily. Check out our video […]Read More


Improved hard disk defragmentation in Windows 10

Hard disk fragmentation occurs when the file system cannot allocate enough contiguous space to store the entire file as a whole, but instead puts parts of it in the gaps between existing files (usually these gaps exist because there were previously deleted files there). Defragmentation is a process that reduces the degree of hard disk […]Read More


Automatically share files from pc to Dropbox

One of the very handy and useful functions of Dropbox is the ability to share files from a local folder to online service automatically. This way, everything you put in that folder will automatically be uploaded to the online Dropbox folder. Check out how this works in the video below. Video transcript: Open Chrome Type […]Read More