Tags : gmaps


How to Change Suggested Route in Gmaps for Android

When you want to see how to get to a certain location using Gmaps, in addition to choosing the type of transportation, you can also choose the route you want to use. By default, the shortest route will be automatically selected, but that may not always be the best choice. If you expect a traffic […]Read More


How to Add a Google Maps Location to Google Docs

When you’re writing a text document that contains an address, there’s a handy option in Google Docs that will allow you to have a Google Maps location and map image appear when you hover over a street or city name. In this way, you can make a plain text document more interactive and useful to […]Read More


How to Change Distance Units in Google Maps for Android

Google Maps has a handy option that allows you to measure the size of a geographical area or the distance between two points. By default, the units of measure that will then be used will be those used in your country. However, this can be changed so that you can choose whether to use kilometers […]Read More


How to Delete Gmaps Search History on Android

Gmaps remembers all our searches. This can be handy when we want to remind ourselves of the locations we have been to. However, sometimes we want to clear our search history, especially if someone else has access to our phone. Check out our video tutorial where we show you how to delete Gmaps search history […]Read More


How to Check Traffic in Google Maps for Android

Google Maps have a handy option to check for traffic jams. When you enable this option, roads will be marked in green, orange or red. Green means that the traffic is low, orange means that it is moderate, and red means that the traffic is high. Check out our video tutorial where we show you […]Read More


How to turn on Dark Mode in Google Maps on Android

Dark Mode is a function that changes the color of the application to black. The purpose of this option is to reduce eye strain while using the app in the dark, but many prefer this look, so they always keep this option on. The Google Maps app for Android includes a Dark Mode option, and […]Read More