How to create a desktop shortcut for a Steam game

How to create a desktop shortcut for a Steam game

Steam is the largest digital platform for selling and playing video games, and with good reason. Frequent sales, a program that works great, uncensored user reviews of games, and phenomenal support for mods are just some of the reasons.

Most gamers have at least a few games in their Steam library. When we want to play a Steam game, we have to run the program, and then start the game from it. There is an easier way. We can simply create a shortcut on the desktop and start the game from there.

Watch our video where we show you how to create a desktop shortcut for a Steam game in Windows 10.

Video transcript:

  1. Open Steam
  2. Click Games and then View Games Library
  3. Right-click the game for which you want to create a shortcut
  4. Click Manage and then Add desktop shortcut


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