Tags : download

Video Software

SkyTube – YouTube without interruptions and limitations

SkyTube is a free open-source application for searching and playing YouTube content. It is only available for Android. Key features of the SkyTube application SkyTube is a simple yet functional application. The design is minimalist, focusing on the basic functions of video playback. For users familiar with YouTube, it will be straightforward to use. Unfortunately, […]Read More


How to Change Download Server in Steam for Windows

When you download a game using Steam, the server from which the game will be downloaded will by default be the one that is physically closest to you. However, the closest server is not always the fastest. So if you notice that the game is downloading slowly, we suggest you change the server and see […]Read More

Graphic Design Software

Pichon – Icons at Your Fingertips

If you’re into web design, you’re probably used to searching the internet for beautiful and unusual icons, and you probably already have favorite websites where you do this. The program that we will present to you will allow you to quickly and easily search a huge number of icons, as well as illustrations and photos. […]Read More