AutoHotkey is a free and open-source program for automation and customization of the user environment. It is only available for the Windows operating system. AutoHotkey allows you to personalize Windows, which can speed up your workflow and increase productivity. It is highly flexible and functional, which is why it is popular among both programmers and […]Read More
Tags : tools
The toolbar, or Ribbon, as Microsoft calls it, is where most of the options we use most often in Word are located. However, it sometimes happens that when we type or read text, we want to have as much space as possible on the screen, so we do not need this toolbar and it would […]Read More
Of all the operating systems available to us, one recognition we must give to Windows is that we have the most diverse and unusual programs on it. Some of these programs are useful, some are not, some try to solve a specific problem, while some try to give us a convenient solution to a problem […]Read More
Don’t like the way your Windows 10 looks? You are not the only one who thinks so. Windows 10 has come under sharp criticism when it comes to user interface setup options. The problem here is not only in the appearance but also in the functionality of many parts of the operating system. We’re writing […]Read More