Tags : tutorial


How to Display Frame Rate Counter in Games on Steam

Frame Rate or FPS in video games is the number of frames displayed each second. If the FPS is too low, usually when it is less than 24 frames, the game will not work properly. You can fix this by lowering the graphics settings in the game, but before that you need to see what […]Read More


How to Change Profile Name in Brave for Windows

If you use the same computer with Brave Browser for work and fun, you probably have a separate profile for each activity. In this way, you can have different browser settings, as well as different bookmarks. In this case, we suggest you change your profile name in Brave, as this will help you navigate more […]Read More


How to Turn on Data Saver in Instagram for Android

If you have a limited number of free megabytes or slow internet, Instagram includes a Data Saver option that will, when you turn it on, stop the automatic playback of videos and thus save your data. Videos will only be played when you start them yourself. If you use Instagram while in roaming, activating the […]Read More