Google Maps Solar API – Accelerated solar panel design and deployment using new Google Maps capabilities
Google is repeatedly described as one of the most powerful companies in the world. It can be said without exaggeration that with its innovations, it is paving the way for the development of our civilization. We have written about this several times before. We will mention only a few examples to support this claim: Google Drive, Translate any document using Google Docs, Google Arts & Culture. This post discusses the new and very useful capabilities of Google Maps.
Useful Google Maps features for solar panel deployment
Google has an enormous amount of information. One part of this comprehensive database that concerns us the most is the data about users, i.e., people. In doing so, we forget that Google has a lot of data about the entire planet. If we add to that the company’s large hardware and software capabilities for processing this information, it is natural that interesting and useful possibilities emerge on their own. Here we mention only those related to the application of Google Maps for the installation of solar panels.
Using Google Maps, it is easy to calculate the roof area on which solar panels would be installed. The satellite view of the entire planet is a very convenient tool for identifying good locations for solar panel installation. 3D views provide a better understanding of the objects on which solar panels are installed or those in their vicinity that cast shadows. Street View can be very useful for detailed terrain analysis. Google Maps has data on average solar radiation for every location on our planet on a daily or annual basis. This is crucial for the profitability of investments in solar panels.
Google Maps Solar API
The Google Maps Solar API (Application Programming Interface) is a logical consequence of the integration and upgrade of the previously mentioned options. An API is a standardized way of communication between different applications. In this case, it means that companies involved in solar panel installation will be able to implement Google’s solar energy services into their applications. This complex program analyzes data and calculates the solar potential based on weather conditions, location, and the position of actual or potential solar panels. It covers 320 million buildings in over 40 countries worldwide and the entire United States.
The Google Maps Solar API consists of three main services:
buildingInsights provides information on the location, dimensions, and solar potential of a building
dataLayers provides URLs for data related to solar energy in the vicinity of the selected location
geoTIFF calculates the digital surface model, annual and monthly solar radiation maps, shading occurrences, etc.
The application visually suggests optimal locations for solar system installation. This eliminates the need for multiple site visits for assessment, accelerating the work. Detailed data on roofs is obtained, including calculations of the energy efficiency of installing solar panels. An automatic assessment of the financial savings from electricity production using solar systems is also performed. This allows for remote solar system design, significantly shortening the process. Total cost estimates are much more precise. The result of all the above is the acceleration of solar panel installation and, consequently, more green energy.
For more details on the Google Maps Solar API, please visit this link.
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