Tails – The World’s Most Secure and Private Operating System

Tails – The World’s Most Secure and Private Operating System

If you take a lot of care about your privacy and security online and are ready to take it to the next level, we have the right solution for you. Tails is a free Linux distribution based on Debian that focuses on security and user privacy and is available for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, Linux, and macOS.

How Does Tails Work?

Tails is used by installing it on a USB and then booting it as a virtual operating system directly from the operating system you normally use. It requires 2 GB of RAM, takes up 1.3 GB of space, and works only on 64-bit processors. As of version 3.0, the support for 32-bit processors had been discontinued.

Tails stand for The Amnesic Incognito Live System. Amnestic means forgetful and that is exactly what makes this operating system stand out. Namely, the entire operating system is designed to be “forgetful”, that is, it does not remember anything about the user and his activity while using the computer.

Tails desktop

This is achieved by loading the entire operating system into the RAM when the system is booted, and when the work is finished, all content is deleted and no files or records remain on the device itself. If you still need certain things to be remembered, you can set Tails to remember the user’s activities, but then you lose the most important function of this operating system.

Tails use the TOR network protocol, which is integrated into all systems and programs that come with the operating system. However, all this is not so perfect. While all the programs that come with Tails are made to be totally secured, the same cannot be said for the programs that you will potentially need to install. That’s why the creators of Tails say that when using this operating system, you must include common sense. This means that you must not install any program that comes from big tech companies, such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, and many others, because then all the protection that Tails offer will mean nothing.

As for the operating system itself, this is basically plain Linux that looks pretty ugly. The dark blue color of the background with two black panels in the upper and lower part of the screen dominates. We can safely say that if you have ever used any version of Linux, you will easily find your way around Tails.

Tails applications

Tails Is the Only Operating System That Focuses on Security and Privacy

The security and privacy of Tails is guaranteed by a large number of experts in the field of programming, security, and computer science, as well as its users. The entire operating system is open source, which means it’s completely free and its code is freely available on the internet, so anyone can download it and check out what’s inside. This is the reason why we have no doubts about its effectiveness. Also, all finances are fully transparent and documented on the Tails website.

Compared to other Linux distributions, Tails does not bring anything new, except for its ugly appearance and complete commitment to security and user privacy. We hope that at least this second novelty, the other versions of Linux will adopt at least to some extent. This is precisely the greatest value of Tails, its importance for society, and for this reason we absolutely welcome and recommend this operating system.

Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, Linux, and macOS



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