Switch Power Scheme – Shortcut to Windows Power Settings

Switch Power Scheme – Shortcut to Windows Power Settings

Changing power settings in Windows is more complicated than it should be. A slightly simpler process is on laptops, where we can use the battery icon as a shortcut, although we don’t have all the necessary settings here either. On desktop computers, the situation is even worse and here the only way is to go to the Control Panel and look for power options there.

We can completely solve this problem with the free Switch Power Scheme program available for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, and 11, which will give us quick and easy access to Windows power settings.

How Does the Switch Power Scheme Work?

Switch Power Scheme is a portable program, which means there is no installation. All you have to do is download it and the program is ready to use. When you launch it, its icon will appear in the System Tray (lower right corner of the screen, next to the clock).

Right-clicking on this icon will open a drop-down menu from which you can select one of the existing Power Schemes, such as Balanced, Power saver, or High performance. Left-clicking launches the program’s main menu.

Switch Power Scheme drop-down menu

In the main menu, in addition to changing the power scheme, you can also delete existing or create new ones. All it takes is a few clicks. Shortcuts to all of Windows’s power options are also available directly from this menu.

Switch Power Scheme menu

The user interface is clear and easy to use. Each option is clearly marked, though not explained, so beginners will need some time to learn what each option does. This does not mean that the Switch Power Scheme is not suitable for beginners, but it requires some prior knowledge before you will be able to use it competently.

In addition to the ability to adjust power settings and shortcuts for faster access to Windows power settings, the program does not offer many additional options. You can set it to run with Windows, keep its window in front of other windows, and change the language.

The Switch Power Scheme Should Be a Part of Windows

Switch Power Scheme is a great program and gets our recommendation. It does one thing only, but it works great and without errors. We are honestly of the opinion that such programs should be a part of Windows, not an additional program. There’s a lot of criticism of the Windows 10 user interface, and even more of Windows 11, and it’s disappointing how much Microsoft ignores these criticisms.

Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11



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