Tags : Windows


How to Change Margins in Google Docs

Each document in Google Docs has a default margin of one inch on each side of the document. These margins represent the empty space above, below, left, and right of the document. When you print a document, the margins represent the distance between the edge of the paper and the text. In Google Docs, margins […]Read More


How to Apply Strikethrough to Text in Google Docs

Strikethrough is an important formatting option. When you use this option, a line will appear through the middle of the word, but the word behind the line will be legible. Whether you want to mark a completed task or highlight something in the text, this is the best option to use. Watch our video where […]Read More

Desktop Enhancements

PeperNote – Sticky Notes for the Desktop

Do you often write messages to yourself on sticky notes and stick them on the monitor, table, shelf, or who knows what, with the hope that you will notice them and remind yourself to complete the chore written on the message. A much better solution is to use a program instead of paper notes. Introducing […]Read More

Utilities & Operating Systems


If you’ve ever played an online game where you used a microphone to communicate, you’ve probably heard your teammates talk to their family, because they forgot to turn off the microphone. There is a good chance that something like this happened to you too. In Windows, muting a microphone can be done in several ways. […]Read More


How to Open Previously Opened Tabs When Starting Chrome

When you have multiple tabs open in Google Chrome and you turn off your browser and then start it again, one empty tab will open. However, there is a handy setting that will launch all tabs that were opened before you turned off Chrome. Check out our video where we show you how to open […]Read More