
How to Change a Drive Letter on Windows 10

Windows assigns letters to the hard disk partitions in alphabetical order. These letters are changeable and it’s easy to do. If you decide to change the hard disk partition letter, we suggest that you do so as soon as you install Windows and before you install programs on that partition. Failure to do so may […]Read More


Windows 11 show full right click menu

After a long period of Windows 10 rule, Windows users have finally got a new operating system, Windows 11. The new edition of Windows has received some visual refreshments, with the Start menu and taskbar now centered on the screen, rounded window corners and more. As one of the big changes to the interface we […]Read More


How to Enable or Disable JavaScript in Chrome

Have you ever wondered what websites look like without JavaScript? The answer is, not so good. Many options will not work, and certain websites will not load at all. However, there are cases when it is good to temporarily disable JavaScript. Probably the best example is to stop ads because they work using JavaScript. When […]Read More


How to Enable or Disable JavaScript in Firefox

Certain websites require that the JavaScript programming language be enabled in order to work properly. The reason for this is the fact that many parts of the website require JavaScript, such as animations or automatic Timeline updates on Twitter. In Mozilla Firefox, JavaScript is enabled by default. However, since ads on websites run with JavaScript, […]Read More


How to Change Password on Discord for Windows

If you have chosen a weak password when you created your account Discord and now you want to change it, the good news is that this process is quite simple and can be done directly from the program. When you change your password, you will receive an email notification, but you will not have to […]Read More


How to Stop Apps From Automatically Launching on Android

Have you ever had an application that starts automatically and unnecessarily takes up phone memory and consumes battery? If your answer is yes, the good news is that this kind of behavior can be stopped. Keep in mind that auto-launching certain apps are a good thing, so we suggest you don’t stop all apps from […]Read More


How to Merge Two Cells in Microsoft Excel

Data contained in multiple Microsoft Excel cells often need to be merged and displayed in a single cell. There are several ways to do this, but the best way is to use a function. Other methods may be a bit simpler, but with the function, you will have the most flexibility, so we suggest you […]Read More