How to speed up your PC by increasing virtual RAM memory in Windows 10

How to speed up your PC by increasing virtual RAM memory in Windows 10

We have two types of memory in the computer, hard disk and RAM. A hard disk is where your operating system, programs, images, music, and more are located. RAM is working memory, which means that data is going there when you use it. RAM is much faster than a hard disk, but it is more expensive, and we have it a lot less.

When you run a program or game, open an image, or watch a movie, the data will be loaded into RAM. If you have a lot of opened programs, so much so that everything can’t fit into RAM, Windows uses so-called virtual memory.

Virtual memory is space on a hard disk dedicated to storing data from RAM that is not currently in use, but Windows knows it will be needed soon. Accessing data in virtual memory is much faster than when it is loaded normally from the hard disk.

By default, the size of virtual memory is equal to the size of RAM. This can be increased up to three times the RAM (more than this, although possible, is not recommended because it can cause instability).

When we increase virtual memory, we improve the computer’s performance, especially when the computer has little RAM. The important thing to keep in mind is that on a disk that has virtual memory, we need to have free space equal to virtual memory. If you have an old type of hard drive (with magnetic boards), it is not worth increasing the virtual memory because it will still work slowly. Acceleration will only be noticeable if you have a newer generation SSD.

When we enter a value for the size of virtual memory, we must enter it in megabytes. Since RAM is measured in gigabytes, the calculation formula is:

the amount of RAM in GB * 1024 * how much we want to increase the virtual memory (maximum 3)

This means that if you have 4GB of RAM and want to increase the virtual memory 3 times the calculation is:

4 * 1024 * 3 = 12288

Check out our video tutorial showing you how to speed up your computer by increasing virtual memory in Windows 10.

Video transcript:

  1. Click Start and then Settings
  2. Click on System
  3. Click About
  4. Click on Advanced system settings
  5. Under Performance, click Settings…
  6. Click Advanced
  7. Under Virtual memory click on Change…
  8. The problem occurs when the value under Currently allocated is greater than the value under Recommended. In our example, this is not the case.
  9. To fix this, we will adjust the size of the virtual memory ourselves. Uncheck the Automatically manage paging option…
  10. Click Custom size
  11. In the Initial size (MB) field, enter the value next to Currently allocated. It is not recommended that this be less than Recommended, we only do this as an example!
  12. For Maximum size (MB) we need to calculate the value according to the formula: size of your PC’s RAM * 3072. In our case it is 32 * 3072
  13. Click OK
  14. You will only receive this notification if you set the Initial size (MB) to be less than Recommended
  15. Click Apply and then OK


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