The Great Suspender Original – Save Ram Memory in Chrome

The Great Suspender Original – Save Ram Memory in Chrome

Google Chrome is known for using a lot of RAM memory during operation. This is not such a big deal when several tabs are on, however, it becomes a serious problem when you have many opened tabs, which is often the case‚ especially when you use the computer for work.

The Great Suspender Original is a free plugin for Google Chrome that will free up RAM memory by suspending tabs that are not currently in use.

How Does the Great Suspender Original Work?

When you install The Great Suspender Original plugin in your internet browser, its icon will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. Clicking on this icon will open a simple menu with only a few options.

The Great Suspender Original menu

The plugin works by giving you the option to put tabs that you don’t use to “sleep”, manually or automatically, and thus free up RAM memory. If you want to do this manually, in the plugin menu there is an option to suspend all tabs except the currently active tab, as well as an option to reactivate all suspended tabs. This is a convenient way to quickly and easily free up almost all of the RAM that Chrome is currently using.

More interesting is the option that will automatically suspend tabs, and here you can set the conditions when the tab will be, that is, it will not be put to sleep. The tab is automatically suspended when it is not active for a certain amount of time, and you can determine how long this will be.

In addition to this, you can whitelist any web address, which means that the tab with that address will never be suspended. You can also set to never suspend tabs that are pinned, are playing audio, have input fields filled in, and more.

The Great Suspender Original settings

As we said, when a tab is suspended it will not take up RAM memory, but the contents of that tab will not be displayed either. To reload the tab, you need to refresh the page or click the button in the plugin menu that will activate all tabs.

The Great Suspender Original Will Be Most Useful to Users Who Have a Slower PC

The Great Suspender Original is an excellent plugin, and it will be most useful to those who have a slower PC or often work with a large number of tabs. During use, we did not encounter any problems or bugs, so this plugin gets our recommendation.

Google Chrome



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