Smallpdf – Converting and Compressing PDF Files
The PDF format is used when we want to be sure that the document will look identical on all screens, in all resolutions, and in whatever program it was written. The good thing about PDF files is that it is easy to convert them to other formats or to convert another format to PDF.
Smallpdf is a free plugin for Google Chrome that will provide you with convenient shortcuts to the Smallpdf website where you can convert and compress PDF files.
How Does the Smallpdf Plugin Work?
When you install the Smallpdf plugin, its icon will appear in the upper right corner of the Internet browser. Unlike other plugins, which provide some functionality, that is, you can do something in them, this is not the case here. This plugin serves only as a place where there are links to certain sections of the Smallpdf website, where you can convert or compress PDF files.
With this in mind, we honestly don’t have much to say about the plugin itself. All links work properly and will take you to the section of the website that is advertised on the button. That’s why we’re going to focus on the website and the options there, rather than the plugin itself.
As for the options, the first one is Compress and as the name suggests, it will allow you to compress, that is, reduce the size of the PDF file. For conversion, we have options for converting PDF files to PPT, JPG, PDF, DOC, XLS, and other formats and vice versa.
Using the website is more than simple. All you need to do is navigate to the correct section of the website using the plugin, then just drag and drop the file you want to convert or compress into the website, and the whole job will be done automatically. In the end, you just need to click on the button to download the file.
As far as the quality of the work is concerned, we have no complaints. The process is fast and error-free, and we especially like that we can use the service without an account.
Smallpdf Plugin Will Appeal to Anyone Who Uses the Smallpdf Website
The service provided by the Smallpdf website is, in our opinion, of a very high standard and hardly anyone will find fault with it. The plugin itself serves only as a convenient location for links to different parts of the website. Since we believe that the service provided by the Smallpdf website deserves our attention, the plugin also receives our recommendation.
Google Chrome